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R PackagesCDF
Probe %Probeset # Probe %Probeset # CurrentPrevious CurrentPrevious CurrentPrevious SourceWin32
Anopheles_gambiae PlasmodiumAnopheles 250758 PlasmodiumAnopheles_Ag_ENTREZG 1.7 408 1.7 408 99.81 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.26 99.26 C P C P O
Arabidopsis_thaliana AG 131822 AG_At_ENTREZG 84.1 7364 83.2 7355 98.79 99.83 99.69 99.81 89.04 89.15 C P C P O
Arabidopsis_thaliana AGRONOMICS1 6046951 AGRONOMICS1_At_ENTREZG 19.9 30797 C P C P O
Arabidopsis_thaliana ATH1121501 251078 ATH1121501_At_ENTREZG 85.3 21264 84.9 21232 99.39 99.85 99.67 99.82 95.70 95.85 C P C P O
Arabidopsis_thaliana TilingArabidopsis10R 3130523 TilingArabidopsis10R_At_ENTREZG 18.9 15880 17.8 15536 93.80 99.76 97.61 99.77 57.29 58.56 C P C P O
Arabidopsis_thaliana TilingatSNPtilx520433 1534784 TilingatSNPtilx520433_At_ENTREZG 21.8 26822 21.6 26702 99.16 99.77 99.34 99.78 96.45 96.88 C P C P O
Bos_taurus Bovine 265627 Bovine_Bt_ENTREZG 43.9 9537 43.2 9429 98.46 100.00 98.87 100.00 89.03 90.05 C P A C P A O
Caenorhabditis_elegans Celegans 249165 Celegans_Ce_ENTREZG 79.3 17255 65.0 14793 81.18 99.01 85.18 99.36 61.26 71.46 C P A C P A O
Caenorhabditis_elegans TilingCelegans10R 3140340 TilingCelegans10R_Ce_ENTREZG 13.9 9794 13.5 9759 82.34 85.15 99.25 99.61 43.28 43.44 C P A C P A O
Canis_familiaris Canine2 473162 Canine2_Cf_ENTREZG 50.8 15777 50.1 15664 98.57 100.00 99.28 100.00 89.17 89.81 C P A C P A O
Danio_rerio Zebrafish 249752 Zebrafish_Dr_ENTREZG 48.5 7875 48.0 7823 98.97 99.99 99.34 100.00 90.46 91.06 C P A C P A O
Drosophila_melanogaster DrosGenome1 195994 DrosGenome1_Dm_ENTREZG 91.6 11838 91.8 11953 99.70 99.43 99.75 98.79 97.67 96.73 C P A C P A O
Drosophila_melanogaster Drosophila2 265400 Drosophila2_Dm_ENTREZG 71.4 12894 71.8 13060 99.70 99.11 99.75 98.48 97.52 96.28 C P A C P A O
Drosophila_melanogaster TilingDrosophila10R 3077225 TilingDrosophila10R_Dm_ENTREZG 12.4 6781 12.2 6859 97.76 99.28 99.31 98.18 86.92 85.93 C P A C P A O
Drosophila_melanogaster TilingDrosophila20R 2877099 TilingDrosophila20R_Dm_ENTREZG 12.2 6786 12.0 6878 97.94 99.28 99.50 98.17 88.93 87.74 C P A C P A O
Gallus_gallus Chicken 424097 Chicken_Gg_ENTREZG 43.4 12511 43.3 12492 99.82 100.00 99.85 100.00 98.30 98.45 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HCG110 30313 HCG110_Hs_ENTREZG 73.7 1307 71.4 1290 96.45 99.55 98.24 99.53 81.71 82.79 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HGFocus 98149 HGFocus_Hs_ENTREZG 80.8 7927 78.0 7766 96.28 99.70 97.59 99.61 84.98 86.74 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HGU133A 247965 HGU133A_Hs_ENTREZG 69.9 12065 67.0 11911 95.13 99.16 97.57 98.83 80.72 81.76 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HGU133A2 247899 HGU133A2_Hs_ENTREZG 69.9 12065 67.0 11911 95.13 99.16 97.57 98.83 80.72 81.76 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HGU133B 249502 HGU133B_Hs_ENTREZG 37.7 7037 33.8 6601 86.84 96.91 89.67 95.59 74.88 79.82 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HGU133Plus2 604258 HGU133Plus2_Hs_ENTREZG 49.2 18123 45.8 17726 91.40 98.12 95.03 97.16 76.05 77.76 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HGU219 548517 HGU219_Hs_ENTREZG 78.0 18606 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HGU95A 201807 HGU95A_Hs_ENTREZG 72.9 8358 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HGU95Av2 201800 HGU95Av2_Hs_ENTREZG 73.0 8359 69.9 8193 95.10 99.31 97.14 99.11 79.10 80.70 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HGU95B 201862 HGU95B_Hs_ENTREZG 46.1 5161 41.8 4822 89.31 98.61 91.59 98.03 76.71 82.10 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HGU95C 201867 HGU95C_Hs_ENTREZG 31.2 3668 28.0 3419 87.58 97.48 89.99 96.55 74.75 80.20 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HGU95D 201858 HGU95D_Hs_ENTREZG 15.6 2169 14.3 2063 87.20 94.98 89.26 93.84 77.55 81.53 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HGU95E 201863 HGU95E_Hs_ENTREZG 30.5 3656 27.5 3419 87.63 97.28 89.99 96.23 76.67 81.98 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HTHGU133A 247899 HTHGU133A_Hs_ENTREZG 69.9 12065 67.0 11911 95.13 99.16 97.57 98.83 80.72 81.76 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HTHGU133B 249803 HTHGU133B_Hs_ENTREZG 37.6 7037 33.7 6601 86.84 96.91 89.67 95.59 74.88 79.82 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HTHGU133PlusPM 528052 HTHGU133PlusPM_Hs_ENTREZG 50.4 18040 47.1 17621 91.92 98.26 94.99 97.25 76.95 78.78 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens Hu6800 131541 Hu6800_Hs_ENTREZG 73.5 5224 71.0 5151 96.11 99.42 97.84 99.22 77.62 78.72 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HuEx10stv2 5431924 HuEx10stv2_Hs_ENTREZG 22.0 22517 21.4 23536 94.11 96.47 92.42 88.42 57.45 54.96 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HuGene10stv1 788904 HuGene10stv1_Hs_ENTREZG 70.0 19628 68.3 19793 95.95 98.26 97.70 96.88 70.41 69.83 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens HuGene11stv1 803478 HuGene11stv1_Hs_ENTREZG 68.6 19622 67.0 19786 95.96 98.26 97.71 96.90 70.44 69.85 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens Mapping10KXba142 213380 Mapping10KXba142_Hs_ENTREZG 0.5 103 0.5 100 89.18 94.47 89.32 92.00 88.35 91.00 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens Mapping250KNsp 3236396 Mapping250KNsp_Hs_ENTREZG 0.8 2803 0.7 2738 89.72 93.09 89.80 91.93 86.73 88.79 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens Mapping250KSty 3236180 Mapping250KSty_Hs_ENTREZG 1.0 3321 0.9 3221 88.19 93.48 89.34 92.11 85.49 88.14 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens Mapping50KHind240 1144880 Mapping50KHind240_Hs_ENTREZG 0.9 851 0.9 838 90.28 93.56 90.72 92.12 85.55 86.87 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens Mapping50KXba240 1179200 Mapping50KXba240_Hs_ENTREZG 0.7 675 0.6 650 89.22 94.17 89.93 93.38 84.44 87.69 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens NuGOHs1a520180 265687 NuGOHs1a520180_Hs_ENTREZG 69.9 16944 66.5 16483 93.21 98.10 95.05 97.71 82.75 85.06 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingChromosome212210A 333692 TilingChromosome212210A_Hs_ENTREZG 0.6 47 0.5 43 86.48 97.46 78.72 86.05 51.06 55.81 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingChromosome212210B 333665 TilingChromosome212210B_Hs_ENTREZG 2.7 173 2.5 194 86.84 94.05 81.50 72.68 38.73 34.54 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingChromosome212210C 334361 TilingChromosome212210C_Hs_ENTREZG 3.0 168 2.8 174 91.40 97.85 95.83 92.53 52.98 51.15 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingChromosome212220R 2243201 TilingChromosome212220R_Hs_ENTREZG 2.5 451 2.3 449 86.54 94.88 87.80 88.20 33.92 34.08 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingENCODE0110 790460 TilingENCODE0110_Hs_ENTREZG 3.1 311 2.9 293 88.80 97.70 89.71 95.22 45.98 48.81 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingENCODE20R 2214280 TilingENCODE20R_Hs_ENTREZG 3.3 242 3.0 236 87.93 97.81 91.74 94.07 27.69 28.39 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman10R01 3104980 TilingHuman10R01_Hs_ENTREZG 2.2 1081 2.1 1108 90.57 95.89 90.29 88.09 44.87 43.77 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman10R02 3104956 TilingHuman10R02_Hs_ENTREZG 1.4 602 1.3 645 89.23 95.02 89.04 83.10 42.03 39.22 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman10R03 3104959 TilingHuman10R03_Hs_ENTREZG 1.6 688 1.5 709 90.19 95.65 90.70 88.01 46.80 45.42 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman10R04 3104968 TilingHuman10R04_Hs_ENTREZG 1.2 530 1.1 571 90.26 95.26 92.08 85.46 47.36 43.96 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman10R05 3104992 TilingHuman10R05_Hs_ENTREZG 1.3 573 1.2 585 86.60 94.81 88.66 86.84 41.01 40.17 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman10R06 3104962 TilingHuman10R06_Hs_ENTREZG 1.6 763 1.5 787 88.03 94.27 88.86 86.15 44.82 43.46 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman10R07 3104969 TilingHuman10R07_Hs_ENTREZG 1.4 659 1.3 704 89.61 93.32 89.38 83.66 44.31 41.48 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman10R08 3105007 TilingHuman10R08_Hs_ENTREZG 1.6 767 1.5 793 88.95 94.73 88.79 85.88 41.59 40.23 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman10R09 3104992 TilingHuman10R09_Hs_ENTREZG 2.0 999 1.8 1021 87.51 95.16 90.49 88.54 48.95 47.89 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman10R10 3104992 TilingHuman10R10_Hs_ENTREZG 1.7 767 1.6 795 87.99 96.01 90.61 87.42 42.11 40.63 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman10R11 3104964 TilingHuman10R11_Hs_ENTREZG 2.0 918 1.8 984 88.45 95.05 88.89 82.93 46.62 43.50 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman10R12 3104966 TilingHuman10R12_Hs_ENTREZG 2.3 1183 2.2 1227 88.45 94.58 89.18 85.98 41.25 39.77 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman10R13 3104957 TilingHuman10R13_Hs_ENTREZG 2.8 1589 2.6 1574 89.55 95.27 90.31 91.17 44.18 44.60 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman10R14 1487440 TilingHuman10R14_Hs_ENTREZG 1.5 361 1.4 378 89.50 94.31 90.58 86.51 37.40 35.71 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman20R01 6020961 TilingHuman20R01_Hs_ENTREZG 1.9 1925 1.8 1961 89.18 95.05 89.51 87.86 44.78 43.96 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman20R02 6190329 TilingHuman20R02_Hs_ENTREZG 2.1 2110 1.9 2161 89.39 95.92 90.81 88.66 42.42 41.42 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman20R03 6109114 TilingHuman20R03_Hs_ENTREZG 1.7 1639 1.6 1663 88.99 94.87 89.63 88.33 42.89 42.27 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman20R04 6199162 TilingHuman20R04_Hs_ENTREZG 1.5 1449 1.4 1487 88.72 95.05 89.16 86.89 45.76 44.59 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman20R05 6251118 TilingHuman20R05_Hs_ENTREZG 1.6 1653 1.5 1682 87.50 94.66 88.14 86.62 41.44 40.73 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman20R06 6124067 TilingHuman20R06_Hs_ENTREZG 1.9 1864 1.8 1906 88.47 95.25 90.61 88.61 45.92 44.91 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHuman20R07 6090639 TilingHuman20R07_Hs_ENTREZG 1.9 1853 1.8 1975 87.89 94.05 89.21 83.70 43.07 40.41 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens TilingHumanPromoter10R 4356207 TilingHumanPromoter10R_Hs_ENTREZG 5.4 9559 5.0 9415 86.44 93.70 90.94 92.33 59.81 60.72 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens U133X3P 673904 U133X3P_Hs_ENTREZG 47.7 18011 44.4 17590 91.20 97.99 94.94 97.21 76.53 78.36 C P A C P A O
Homo_sapiens gnGNF1Ba 250925 gnGNF1Ba_Hs_ENTREZG 28.8 5390 28.0 5373 94.24 96.83 95.49 95.79 83.01 83.27 C P A C P A O
Macaca_mulatta Rhesus 668485 Rhesus_MAmu_ENTREZG 48.5 16037 47.6 15959 98.24 100.00 99.51 100.00 83.06 83.46 C P C P O
Mus_musculus HTMG430A 250325 HTMG430A_Mm_ENTREZG 68.6 12184 67.3 12045 98.01 100.00 98.86 100.00 86.70 87.70 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus HTMG430B 249071 HTMG430B_Mm_ENTREZG 29.3 5780 28.9 5737 98.80 100.00 99.26 100.00 91.45 92.14 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus HTMG430PM 505190 HTMG430PM_Mm_ENTREZG 48.3 16492 47.5 16331 98.26 100.00 99.02 100.00 87.46 88.32 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus MGU74Av2 197993 MGU74Av2_Mm_ENTREZG 60.7 7769 59.2 7649 97.64 100.00 98.46 100.00 84.43 85.75 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus MGU74Bv2 197131 MGU74Bv2_Mm_ENTREZG 49.3 5707 48.6 5686 98.53 100.00 99.63 100.00 88.58 88.90 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus MGU74Cv2 182797 MGU74Cv2_Mm_ENTREZG 21.3 2903 21.0 2880 98.68 100.00 99.21 100.00 92.32 93.06 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus MOE430A 249958 MOE430A_Mm_ENTREZG 68.7 12184 67.4 12045 98.01 100.00 98.86 100.00 86.70 87.70 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus MOE430B 248704 MOE430B_Mm_ENTREZG 29.3 5780 29.0 5737 98.80 100.00 99.26 100.00 91.45 92.14 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus MoEx10stv1 4779314 MoEx10stv1_Mm_ENTREZG 21.9 24452 21.6 24124 98.74 100.00 98.66 100.00 80.27 81.36 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus MoGene10stv1 819132 MoGene10stv1_Mm_ENTREZG 71.2 21212 69.6 20985 97.75 100.00 98.93 100.00 77.79 78.63 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus MoGene11stv1 828268 MoGene11stv1_Mm_ENTREZG 70.2 21212 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus Mouse4302 496468 Mouse4302_Mm_ENTREZG 49.2 16492 48.3 16331 98.26 100.00 99.02 100.00 87.46 88.32 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus Mouse430A2 249958 Mouse430A2_Mm_ENTREZG 68.7 12184 67.4 12045 98.01 100.00 98.86 100.00 86.70 87.70 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus Mu11KsubA 131280 Mu11KsubA_Mm_ENTREZG 61.0 4263 59.5 4193 97.45 100.00 98.36 100.00 80.95 82.30 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus Mu11KsubB 119580 Mu11KsubB_Mm_ENTREZG 47.3 2888 46.2 2835 97.53 100.00 98.16 100.00 82.58 84.13 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus NuGOMm1a520177 262909 NuGOMm1a520177_Mm_ENTREZG 60.1 15428 58.9 15240 98.09 100.00 98.78 100.00 89.23 90.33 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse11R01 3076926 TilingMouse11R01_Mm_ENTREZG 1.6 863 1.6 849 97.79 100.00 98.38 100.00 62.22 63.25 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse11R02 3161633 TilingMouse11R02_Mm_ENTREZG 2.1 1214 2.0 1189 97.74 100.00 97.94 100.00 60.30 61.56 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse11R03 2534803 TilingMouse11R03_Mm_ENTREZG 1.5 760 1.4 738 97.36 100.00 97.11 100.00 61.71 63.55 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse11R04 2565519 TilingMouse11R04_Mm_ENTREZG 1.9 916 1.8 898 97.56 100.00 98.03 100.00 61.57 62.81 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse11R05 3153176 TilingMouse11R05_Mm_ENTREZG 1.3 1287 1.3 1178 94.66 100.00 91.53 100.00 50.66 55.35 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse11R06 3166201 TilingMouse11R06_Mm_ENTREZG 1.6 1060 1.5 1035 97.33 100.00 97.64 100.00 58.30 59.71 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse11R07 3123189 TilingMouse11R07_Mm_ENTREZG 2.4 1658 2.3 1631 96.95 100.00 98.37 100.00 58.62 59.60 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse11R08 3050130 TilingMouse11R08_Mm_ENTREZG 1.4 837 1.4 819 97.81 100.00 97.85 100.00 64.16 65.57 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse11R09 3155691 TilingMouse11R09_Mm_ENTREZG 1.7 985 1.7 972 97.90 100.00 98.68 100.00 61.83 62.65 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse11R10 3048063 TilingMouse11R10_Mm_ENTREZG 1.8 1027 1.7 1010 97.77 100.00 98.34 100.00 59.69 60.69 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse11R11 3167200 TilingMouse11R11_Mm_ENTREZG 2.3 1365 2.3 1347 97.85 100.00 98.68 100.00 63.59 64.44 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse11R12 3165843 TilingMouse11R12_Mm_ENTREZG 2.0 1228 2.0 1209 97.40 100.00 98.45 100.00 58.63 59.55 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse11R13 3083184 TilingMouse11R13_Mm_ENTREZG 1.4 855 1.4 842 98.00 100.00 98.48 100.00 65.38 66.39 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse11R14 3146417 TilingMouse11R14_Mm_ENTREZG 1.8 1129 1.8 1085 97.47 100.00 96.10 100.00 60.85 63.32 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse20R01 5888394 TilingMouse20R01_Mm_ENTREZG 1.8 1908 1.8 1880 97.94 100.00 98.53 100.00 63.10 64.04 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse20R02 6098981 TilingMouse20R02_Mm_ENTREZG 1.7 2351 1.6 2220 96.52 100.00 94.43 100.00 54.91 58.15 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse20R03 5883598 TilingMouse20R03_Mm_ENTREZG 1.7 2157 1.7 2114 97.14 100.00 98.01 100.00 59.85 61.07 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse20R04 5865723 TilingMouse20R04_Mm_ENTREZG 2.2 2409 2.1 2373 97.67 100.00 98.51 100.00 61.98 62.92 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse20R05 5792498 TilingMouse20R05_Mm_ENTREZG 1.7 1810 1.6 1760 97.63 100.00 97.24 100.00 60.33 62.05 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse20R06 5888478 TilingMouse20R06_Mm_ENTREZG 1.5 1821 1.5 1787 97.71 100.00 98.13 100.00 62.05 63.23 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMouse20R07 5669507 TilingMouse20R07_Mm_ENTREZG 1.5 1676 1.5 1643 97.67 100.00 98.03 100.00 59.07 60.26 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus TilingMousePromoter10R 4369636 TilingMousePromoter10R_Mm_ENTREZG 4.9 9888 4.7 9677 96.61 100.00 97.87 100.00 73.80 75.41 C P A C P A O
Mus_musculus gnGNF1Musa 362266 gnGNF1Musa_Mm_ENTREZG 43.7 15596 43.1 15491 98.74 100.00 99.33 100.00 92.06 92.69 C P A C P A O
Oryza_sativa Rice 631066 Rice_Os_ENTREZG 42.1 23535 41.5 23418 98.58 100.00 99.50 100.00 90.27 90.73 C P C P O
Rattus_norvegicus HTRat230PM 351132 HTRat230PM_Rn_ENTREZG 39.6 11521 38.9 11427 98.24 99.99 99.18 100.00 87.33 88.05 C P A C P A O
Rattus_norvegicus HTRatFocus 266962 HTRatFocus_Rn_ENTREZG 50.7 11363 49.8 11271 98.22 99.99 99.19 100.00 87.28 88.00 C P A C P A O
Rattus_norvegicus RAE230A 175477 RAE230A_Rn_ENTREZG 53.7 8633 52.6 8548 98.00 99.99 99.02 100.00 87.10 87.96 C P A C P A O
Rattus_norvegicus RAE230B 168984 RAE230B_Rn_ENTREZG 26.8 3935 26.4 3912 98.66 99.99 99.42 100.00 89.99 90.52 C P A C P A O
Rattus_norvegicus RGU34A 140317 RGU34A_Rn_ENTREZG 55.2 4247 53.9 4194 97.71 99.99 98.75 100.00 82.32 83.36 C P A C P A O
Rattus_norvegicus RGU34B 140312 RGU34B_Rn_ENTREZG 32.8 2997 32.2 2974 98.15 99.98 99.23 100.00 85.62 86.28 C P A C P A O
Rattus_norvegicus RGU34C 140284 RGU34C_Rn_ENTREZG 35.4 3304 34.6 3270 97.86 99.98 98.97 100.00 84.14 85.02 C P A C P A O
Rattus_norvegicus RNU34 21305 RNU34_Rn_ENTREZG 67.0 707 66.1 701 98.68 99.99 99.15 100.00 86.99 87.73 C P A C P A O
Rattus_norvegicus RTU34 20464 RTU34_Rn_ENTREZG 56.7 526 54.8 514 96.50 100.00 97.72 100.00 72.62 74.32 C P A C P A O
Rattus_norvegicus RaEx10stv1 4108266 RaEx10stv1_Rn_ENTREZG 21.0 21282 20.8 21036 98.83 100.00 98.84 100.00 82.08 83.04 C P A C P A O
Rattus_norvegicus RaGene10stv1 777760 RaGene10stv1_Rn_ENTREZG 65.5 19353 63.9 19176 97.56 100.00 99.09 100.00 79.37 80.11 C P A C P A O
Rattus_norvegicus RaGene11stv1 788189 RaGene11stv1_Rn_ENTREZG 64.5 19353 C P A C P A O
Rattus_norvegicus Rat2302 342410 Rat2302_Rn_ENTREZG 40.6 11521 39.9 11427 98.24 99.99 99.18 100.00 87.33 88.05 C P A C P A O
Rattus_norvegicus RatToxFX 24535 RatToxFX_Rn_ENTREZG 52.9 1315 52.0 1306 98.31 99.98 99.32 100.00 89.66 90.28 C P A C P A O
Saccharomyces_cerevisiae TilingScerevisiae10R 2751371 TilingScerevisiae10R_Sc_ENTREZG 32.7 2846 32.6 2839 99.62 100.00 99.75 100.00 85.45 85.66 C P C P O
Saccharomyces_cerevisiae YGS98 138412 YGS98_Sc_ENTREZG 67.6 5496 67.5 5490 99.81 100.00 99.89 100.00 98.67 98.78 C P C P O
Saccharomyces_cerevisiae Yeast2 120855 Yeast2_Sc_ENTREZG 51.2 5571 51.1 5566 99.88 100.00 99.91 100.00 99.44 99.53 C P C P O
Schizosaccharomyces_pombe TilingSpombe10FR 1174792 TilingSpombe10FR_Sp_ENTREZG 26.2 5086 26.1 5072 99.75 100.00 99.72 100.00 94.75 95.01 C P C P O
Sus_scrofa Porcine 265635 Porcine_Ss_ENTREZG 10.0 2209 C P A C P A O